I’m on a mission to inspire and empower busy Mums to nourish yourselves (that’s you!) and your families through positive nutrition and lifestyle. Here you’ll find my favourite recipes. Use the category menu to filter through the recipe categories.
Tag: Spelt Flour

Oat, Seed & Date Bars
Yes, it’s true, this is my third recipe featuring dates. It could have something to do with the fact ...

Chocolate & Ginger Angel Mud Cake
My cousin Julie is as intuitive when cooking as she is is in life. Rarely does she need to ...

Ginger and Molasses Loaf
At my DIY Christmas Gift and Beauty Product Workshop one year, I wanted to create a recipe that would make ...

Strawberry Yoghurt Muffins
Hubby likes to buy things and not tell me. So when I went poking around the fridge this afternoon ...

Mix ‘n Match Muffins
You can’t please all of the people all of the time, said Lincoln. But darn it if I’m not ...

Spelt and Buckwheat Pancakes
These pancakes are easy because they only have a few ingredients. They’re quick, delish and fun for the kids ...