My teens can cook but I don’t always let them
When I started my business, Brenda Janschek Health and Lifestyle, my little darlings were 6 and 8 years old.
Believing in the incredible power of food as medicine I undertook and committed myself to raising them on a diet of nutritious, home cooked meals, even though cooking three meals a day from scratch is A LOT of work (not to mention the dishes).
They are now strapping 15 and 17 year olds who are entirely capable of cooking for themselves (get your kids in the kitchen as young as possible! but I still do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to cooking.
I just can’t stop.
I can’t stop because I love knowing that despite how much take-out, processed foods, missed meals, alcohol (!), they’re having out there in the world, that home is where I can always make sure they well get a proper, meal full of goodness to nourish every cell in their bodies.
I can’t stop because they have spread their wings and are flying so very quickly away and deep in my soul I already miss them and cooking for them makes me feel connected to them and hold on to them a little longer.
I can’t stop because I feel joy seeing their faces light up when they hear they’re favourite Creamy Pasta Bake or Mexican Beef and Bean Burritos is for dinner.
I can’t stop because they are so self sufficient and independent in every way that feeding them feels like one of the last few things I can still do for them to show them how much I love them.
I can’t stop because food is love in my heart and my home and it always will be this way.
Bren x
Easy Wholefood Lunchboxes eBook
Packed with 40 delicious nut-free, sweet and savoury wholefood recipes your kids will love!Add to cart $14.95
Free Breakfast Recipe eBook
As far as breakfast cereal goes, I always say, “you may as well eat the box’, it’s probably more nutritious than what’s inside! Here are 5 things to think about before you reach for the boxed cereal in the supermarket.Download Now